Good Day Everyone: 

Today’s Lunch we are thankful for the continued support of Pawan and Prakash. They have sponsored our lunch for today.  Thanks again.  We need to thank John and Emelda for the preparation of today’s lunch and the Fabulous Blanch Marshall for the most amazing dessert.

Strength and Balance classes are going to be Mondays and Wednesday at 11:30am for the month of May.

We need to thank the following people for volunteering for this year’s trade show.  Marg B, Helen W, Marg G, Donna M, Ann W, Hugh and Frances W. Judy S, Romeo B, John S and Joe W.

Bingo Saturday May 13th at the Tree of Peace.  We need to thank the following Volunteers, John S, Lori C, Linda B, Bertha C, Shirley S, Dan C, Barb M, Annie H, Kathy P-D Maggie L.    We made $1096.60

YATS bus riders.  If you use the YATS bus service to get around town, Please contact John Soderberg at 446-8585 or Wendy Bisaro at 873-3101

Member Contact.  The YK Seniors Society usually contacts members by email.  We are looking at other ways for you to get our information for the ongoing events we have.  Please contact Kim at 873-9475 for an alternative way for us to get you the information.

Baker Centre Garden Boxes will be available shortly for use by members.  Please look at the handout and decide if you want one.

UP Coming Events

CHHA Open House May 30th starting at 6pm

We will be closed Monday May 22nd for Victoria Day.