Good afternoon:
Today we need to thank Everyone that has come out to support our Monthly Pot Luck.
Sunday November 4 is day light savings. Remember toset you clocks back an hour before you go to bed Saturday night
For selling of Raffle Tickets for our Annual Raffle
We are good for this week
Looking for donations to the gift baskets for the Basket sale we do during the Craft sale Nov 17th. Will need all donation no later than Tuesday Nov 13
Events at the Baker Community Centre
Monday Nov 5th the NEW stretch class will be starting with instructor Dawn Collins
Monday November 12, 2018 The Baker Centre will be closed.
Wednesday Nov 15th Cancer Workshop with HSK Strategies starting at 1:30pm You need to sign up for this event. Please let me know if you would like to attend. This is free to attend
Saturday Nov 17th Annual Craft Sale starting at 10am
Saturday Nov 24th Dinner and a movie. This dinner will have an India feel to it. Movie I need to confirm with from the Social Committee. Cost is $15.00. Tickets Available in my office.
Thursday Nov 29th Healing Touch. I will have a Schedule up next week for sign up