From the President regarding AGM

The Yellowknife Seniors’ Society will have the Annual General Meeting March 21, 2019. The Tai Chi folks will be providing dinner at 6:00 pm with the meeting following.

The meeting will provide the opportunity for the board to present the activity reports and the audited financial report for 2018. It will also give members the chance to raise issues to the board.

The board has a consolidated update to the Objects and By-Laws for member approval. A copy will be available on the website.

There will be the election of a president for a 2 year term, 5 board members for 2 year terms and 1 board member for a I year term. If you are interested in serving please contact Merlyn Williams or Jeannie Rocher of the Nominating Committee or contact Kim.

I hope to see you at the meeting.



John Soderberg
