LWAB FOR Sept 6th, 2019
Good afternoon:
Todays lunch is Pot luck. Thank you everyone who brought food and came to share it all with us.
Good day to everyone:
Reminder for people that have garden plots at the Baker Centre. We need everything all harvested out of your plots by Sept 20th, as we have a crew coming in to do the final clean up for the year.
Dawn’s Classes will be starting Tuesday Sept 10th at 10am. Her classes will run Tuesday and Thursdays.
Yoga with Moyra will be starting Sept 16th at 10am. Her classes will run Monday. We are working on a second day
Scottish Country Dancing will be starting back Monday Sept 9th starting at 7:30pm
The Dinner and Dance is fast approaching. Sept 28th is the day, Nova Hotel is the place. Make sure to get your tickets for this Fabulous event. You can purchase tickets at Quality Furniture, YK Seniors Society and Linda Balsillie. All proceeds for this event are going to the Canada 55+ Games.
If you look on our web page www.yksenior.ca and the calendar for September is posted.
See you all later
Kimberly Doyle
Executive Director
YK Seniors Society