LWAB FOR Jan 30th, 2020
Good afternoon:
Todays Lunch is sponsored by the Ark Family Church.
Good day to everyone:
We had a great turn out for our Bingo, thank you for all that volunteered and especially Marilyn Jordan for taking the lead and organizing it all for us. Marilyn has been our main bingo person for the YK Seniors Society, she has been a great help to me and the organization. Thank you
Friday February 7th at LWAB we are going to be celebrating Hockey Day in Canada along with the rest of Yellowknife. We will be getting the Stanley Cup and celebrities. Lunch that day is Sponsored by True North Rotary. Please wear your hockey jersey or shirts. This is going to be a great lunch with lots of excitement and fun to be had by all.
POT LUCK is going to be Feb 14th Valentines day
Saturday Feb 8th at 10am to 11:30, here at the baker community centre in the board room Free computer, tablet, phone problems. I will put a sign up sheet in the main lobby, this is just to confirm how many are coming so I can inform the instructor.
Canada 55+ Games are now selling $5.00 50/50 tickets from now until April. Get your tickets before they all sell out. Your chance to win $10K
Check out the website www.yksenior.ca for useful information.
Enjoy your lunch.
Kimberly Doyle
Executive Director