Message from the President John Soderberg re AGM

February 27, 2020

Members of the Yellowknife Seniors’ Society

Re: 2020 Annual General Meeting

Our AGM is scheduled for March 19, 2020 and I want to let you know what items will be presented.

1.       The financial position for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019.

2.       Proposed By-Law Changes: Proxy Voting

The Board has discussed the issue of proxy voting and is proposing a change to our by-laws that would prevent proxy voting. The rationale is attached to this letter.

3.       Election of Board Members

We have 5 board positions available, 2 year terms, that we will be looking to fill.

Dinner will start at 6:00pm with the meeting getting underway at 7:00pm. I look forward to seeing you there.





Rationale for not introducing proxy voting for the Yellowknife Seniors’ Society:

Each Regular and Honourary Member in attendance at an Annual or Special Meeting of the membership of the Yellowknife Seniors’ Society shall have one vote. Associate and Business Members are not permitted to vote at Annual or

Special Meetings of the Society.

Our Society follows Robert’s Rules of Order which states:

“A proxy is a power of attorney given by one person to another to vote in his stead and it is also used to designate the person who holds the power of attorney. It is unknown to a strictly deliberative assembly, and is in conflict with the idea of the equality of members, which is a fundamental principle of deliberative assemblies.

The YKSS is a deliberative assembly; therefore, proxy voting should not be allowed at meetings of the YKSS.