As of today the Baker Community is now considered an exposure site. We had a member that had come for coffee at the Centre that has tested positive for Covid 19 yesterday.
The Centre is closed as of today, AND WILL NOT BE REOPENING UNTIL OCT 12TH TUESDAY
I have been working with Public Health this morning and giving them a list of members and people that have been to the Centre Monday September 27th to Wednesday September 29th this week from 9 to noon each day. Public Health was given a list of people that were at the Centre during this time and they will be contacted directly.
When speaking to Public Health this morning the only thing that I have to do is self monitor because I am double vaccinated and so are the members that came in from what i understand. I also have to self monitor until Oct 9th.
I will be closing next week and working from home. Will only be coming to the Centre to pick up more paperwork and such.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call or email the office. Every precaution is being done for the safety of members that come to the Baker Community Centre on a daily basis.
Thank you for your understanding at this time
Kimberly Doyle
Executive Director
YK Seniors Society