April 15th Announcements

Happy Easter to Everyone

YK Seniors’ Society will be CLOSED Friday April 15th Good Friday (NO LWAB) and Monday April 18th for Easter Monday.

What is happening at the Baker Community Centre

There is going to be NO Line dancing on Thursday April14th or Friday April 15.

There are a few more spots left for the Wednesday Cooking class with Lorie Crawford.  Start time is 2pm and the cost is $20.00.  The class will be on Dense Nutritious Snacks

Yoga is not full if you are interested, we can do drop in at a cost of $7.00 per class.  Classes are Monday and Wednesday at 10am.

Healing Touch for the month of April is on Thursday April 28th.  There are two session times 7pm and 730pm.  Let me know if you are interested.  Cost $2.00 per session

Knife Cache Society This NO Winner.  Next weeks draw for April 12th is going to be estimated $1900. 

Make sure to either pay $2.00 each week or sign up a weekly 13. 26, or 52-week subscription

Please note that parking is in short supply these days with the construction of the new building.  Please carpool, or park on 57th street when possible.