June 16th Announcements

June 16th

Good Day Everyone: 

Today’s Lunch we are thankful for the continued support of Northland Utilities. 

Strength and Balance classes are going to be Mondays and Wednesday at 11:30am for the month of June.

Member Contact.  The YK Seniors Society usually contacts members by email.  We are looking at other ways for you to get our information for the ongoing events we have.  Please contact Kim at 873-9475 for an alternative way for us to get you the information.

June 27th Seniors High Tea in recognition of Seniors Month.  Looking for Volunteers to help make sandwiches and desserts for this event.  Signup sheet in the main entrance

UP Coming Events

CHHA Open House June 22nd starting at 6pm

Alzheimer Memory Walk is Saturday June 24th. Contact Anne Marie at the Alzheimer Society to get registered.  At 669-9390

The Baker Community Centre will be CLOSED on Wednesday June 21st for Aboriginal Day.