Lunch with a Bunch
Yellowknife Seniors’ Society
Friday April 20, 2018
Lunch today is sponsored by Julie Green MLA YK Centre.
Prepared by Albert and Floyd
Please refer to the calendar for the up-coming events.
Saturday April 28th come join Board member Cheryl Inward to make some Chapati Bread. Free Workshop starts at 1:00pm here at the Baker Community Centre.
May 12th and 13 Trade Show Weekend. We will be looking for volunteers to man the booth. Will have a sign up sheet next week. Starting thinking about helping us out.
A reminder that the free seniors pass to use at the Field House track (Monday Wednesday and Thursday from 6:30 am to noon) is available at the site. We have a few passes here we can provide. We also have a walking/exercise class each weekday here at the Centre starting at 7:20 a.m.
Thanks to the fundraising committee and their volunteers working hard in support of the Chase the Ace initiative of the Yellowknife Gymnastics Association. The Baker Centre is open for ticket sales from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm April 20.
Al-Anon Family Group meets every Thursday evening at 7 pm at the Baker Centre. If you are concerned about a family or friend drinking too much alcohol, please come, we can help.