Feb 01 announcments

LWAB FOR FEB 1, 2019

Good afternoon:

 Thank you EVERYONE for coming and sharing with us today.

 A big shout out to Tom, Gabi, Kathy and the personal from YACL for coming each week and clean up after lunch each week.

 Joe Walsh is sitting at the front door collecting membership this week. Reminder that your membership is due.  Regular member cost is $15.00. 

 Events at the Baker Community Centre

 Thursdays FEB 14th, 21st ,28th Computer classes are going to be offered FREE to seniors at Tamarack Computers.  The classes are over 3 days and either run in the morning or afternoon.  This is a basic computer class.  One the third day you will be allowed to bring in your tablet or laptop and ask all the questions you need.,

 Feb 21 at 1:30pm a FREE dance class with Amanda from NWTRPA.  This is part of our get active grant.  Come out and enjoy a fun hour.

 Looking for a couple of Teams or groups to do Lunch with a Bunch.  If you can help let me know.

  YK Seniors Society AGM will be held Thursday March 21st starting with dinner at 6:00pm. Location Baker Community Centre.  The Board has organized a Nomination Committee, if you thinking about becoming more involved or would like more information please do not hesitate to come talk to me about this.


Regular Business Hours

Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 4:30pm

Friday 9:00am to 3:00pm

Web site www.yksenior.ca


Remember to check the web site often for different events that might be coming up