LWAB FOR June 14, 2019
Good afternoon:
Lunch today is courtesy of the ELKS 314, Nicole Bonnell, Exalted Ruler, and all their amazing volunteers that come out each year to support the Seniors of Yellowknife and the YK Seniors Society.
Make sure to get out and enjoy the sun, plant your garden or just sit and relax.
We are looking for volunteers to take over the pickup of the FOOD RESCUE on Fridays, and bring it to the Baker Centre for the YK Seniors Lunch with a Bunch. This would be every Friday. If you are interested, please contact Kim at the YK Seniors and she will make arrangements with Marg at Food Rescue.
Things that are happening in the month of June
We will be closed Friday June 21st (so no lunch with a bunch) fish fry at Somba Ke Park.
June 25th Tuesday. At 1:30 at the Baker Centre having our Annual Seniors Tea. Going to change it up a bit this year, Going to go with a tropical theme. Beach wear, flip flops, flower shirts. We are wishing and bringing on summer and celebrating the end of seniors month. Please come out and help us celebrate.
We are still looking for a couple of Teams or groups to do Lunch with a Bunch. If you can help let me know.
Regular Business Hours
Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 4:30pm
Friday 9:00am to 3:00pm
Web site www.yksenior.ca
Remember to check the web site often for different events that might be coming up