June 21st announcements

LWAB FOR June 21, 2019

Good afternoon:    


 Make sure to get out and enjoy the sun, plant your garden or just sit and relax.

 We need help for up coming events here at the Baker Community Centre

 Need people to help to make snacks and or sandwiches for the Tropical tea we are having Tuesday June 25th at 1:30

 Need people to help with the Monday  July 1st Canada day Breakfast starting at 7:30am cooking and helping set up and clean up

 Ice cream Social to set up, serve and clean up.  Ice cream and items will be provided for you.

 If you can help with either of these please let me know.  Without all your continued support we won’t be able to put on these events


Things that are happening in the month of June

June 25th Tuesday. At 1:30 at the Baker Centre having our Annual Seniors Tea.  Going to change it up a bit this year,  Going to go with a tropical theme. Beach wear, flip flops, flower shirts.  We are wishing and bringing on summer and celebrating the end of seniors month.  Please come out and help us celebrate.

 MONDAY July 1st  Canada Day Breakfast starting at 9:00am at the Baker Community Centre.  Please bring your chair and stay and enjoy the parade from the comfort of right in front of the Baker Centre.  The parade will be starting at the pool and coming down the street

We are still looking for a couple of Teams or groups to do Lunch with a Bunch.  If you can help let me know.