Good afternoon Everyone:

The President and the Board of Directors would like to wish everyone a very Happy Canada Day tomorrow.

We know that this year will be different but get out and make the most of the day with friends and family.  Hoping next year we will be back to the regular breakfast and parade watching at the Baker community Centre.

Please note that the office will be closed and there is going to be no online facebook stretch class

Birthday Wishes for the month of JUNE

Anita G, Archie S, Ardell A, Bev B, Bill B, Bob C, Bonnie O, Chalres P, Elizabeth T, Eric K, Garry S, Gerald T, Gerda G, Hendrika B, John S, Juliet L, Linda B, Margaret P, Mary P, Mickey B, Murray M, Nora Higden, Susdan K, Theresa H, Tony W, 

Sponsors for Lunch with a Bunch for June

June 5th POT LUCK

June 12th Julie Green MLA YK Centre

June 19th Northland Utilities

June 26th True North Rotary

Like emailed out earlier we are working on how to get everyone back together in the future. 

I need to put a special thank you to the following that have helped over the past 4 months in helping or funding the seniors food hampers that were given out.

YK Seniors Society     for the use of the space

Sheila Champion  from YK stay calm and take care of your elders 

Jill Christensen

Justin Doyle

DeBeers  for over 70 seniors Easter baskets

Help Age Canada

Unitedway NWT

Wal mart  Terry Andre

Northbest Distributors

Yellowknife Direct Charge Coop  $10k in gift card donations

Copper House for their Community Table Program

And  the various community members for their generous donations of cash and products and their time each month to this worthwhile cause.

Have the most amazing July 1st.  


Kimberly Doyle

Executive Director

YK Seniors Society