OCT 15th YK Seniors Society UPDATE

Good afternoon, Everyone:

 Here are updates for the week of Oct 15th from the YK Seniors Society.   This email is longer so please read it all.

 We will be reopening Monday Oct 18th from 9:00am to 3:00pm. This is with the Department of Health 10 person limit.

 Coffee Group in the Morning starts a 9am Monday and Wednesday afternoon group 1:30

Dance Class on Thursday is at 1:30pm

 Monday and Wednesday Stretch class will still be done by KIM but will still be online next week.  Starting Monday Oct 25th, we will be moving back to in person classes here at the centre

 If you are a member of Tai Chi They will be letting you know by email when they will be having classes

 Scottish Country Dancing (Mondays) and Line Dancing on (Fridays).  will let me know and I will send out an announcement when I know more.

 Regarding LWAB I am going to have to work out this one when I get back.

 Hoping that the week starting Oct 25th we can open up to 25people baring nothing changes from the Department of Health

 Rumor has it that the 3rd shot is now available for 60 years and older.  It was announced by someone on Facebook this morning, I do not have an official email from health as of the time of this email, but they did confirm that it is happening.  Please when I looked online, they had not changed the 75+ yet, but you can still use that space to book online.  Or you can go down to the Centre Square Mall Lower Level and go as a walk in.  They are only open till 3:300 today but open again tomorrow (Saturday) at 9:30am


Knifer Cashe Tuesday October 12th Draw – #311 was drawn but not played.  $899 carried over to Oct 19th draw.  Estimated JackPot for Oct 19th is $1,100.00.


If if you liked the music at the Dinner and Dance that we had, you will enjoy listening to the CD I have.  Just send me an Email or call 873-8116(Linda Balsillie) and she will deliver one to you.  Cost is $20.00, makes a good stocking stuffer.

 I will be leaving on Monday Oct 18th for the Week and return to the Office Tuesday Oct 26th.  I will be monitoring emails while I am away if you have any questions.  Vivian will be in my office for the week in person.