Good Morning Everyone:  Monday NOVEMBER 1st, 2021

This is going to be a long email, so please read to the end.

We have some exciting news starting this week.  The Baker Community Centre is back open to 25 people, Monday to Thursday.

Fridays LWAB is back on starting this week Nov 5th.  We have been approved to have 40 people for Lunch going forward.  If you have Lunch tickets from Sept 10th it is now moved to NOV 5th.  Lunch tickets from Sept 17 is moved to Nov 12th, and Sept 24th is moved to Nov 19th.  If you need to know if you had tickets let me know and I can confirm for you.  If you are looking for tickets let me know I have 15 available for the NOV 5th lunch.


Morning and Afternoon Coffee break

Monday and Wednesday 11:30 stretch class

Tai Chi Seniors on Saturday Morning at 11am

Scottish Country Dancing on Mondays

Line dancing classes Thursday afternoon and Friday night

LWAB on Fridays

All these programs are back on at the Baker Community Centre.  Couple things have changed.  You must wear a mask when walking around the building, you MUST sign in when entering the building and sanitize.   When coming for programs you MUST provide proof of Vaccination at the door when entering.

Craft and Bake Sale

The YK Seniors Society has been approved by the Department of health to hold our annual Craft and Bake sale.  This event is going to be Saturday Nov 13th at the Baker Centre.  We are looking for baked good to sell on the Seniors Table like we have done in the past.  I will also be looking for volunteers to help work that day as well.  Will be sending out a different email for volunteers, and it will have all the instructions for the sale.  We are SOLD OUT FOR VENDORS.

We are slowly getting through all of this and return to some great activities here at the Baker Centre.  It has been a long almost two years of open and then closed.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone or email.

Kind regards

Kimberly Doyle

Executive Director

YK Seniors Society