March 18th Announcements

Updates for the week of March 18th 2022 from the YK Seniors Society.   

Today I need to thank Prem for cooking lunch, Ester for the Bread, and the Williams girls for supplying the cup cakes for dessert.  Happy Birthday to Krish and Merlyn

AGM for the YK Seniors Society is going to be held Thursday March 24th at 6:00pm.  This will again be via zoom and in person.  Sorry again no dinner. 

We are looking for new people to Join our Board of Directors, If you are interested Please contact myself and I will get you in contact with our Nomination Committee. 

The YK Seniors Society has teamed up with an accountant to be able to offer free taxes for seniors.  You need to make less that 49K last year and have a basic return.  This is by appointment only.  Please contact the office, if you would like to take advantage of this program. Please call or come by the office to book your appointment.

What is happening at the Baker Community Centre

For LWAB for now and always you will need to let me know that you are coming to lunch for all the Fridays you want to come. I will only be booking for one month at a time.  Only thing is changing is that you pay at the door each week.

I am going to start looking for volunteers to take on some LWAB, Things are starting to pick up business wise and I need some help in this area.

Knife Cache Society This weeks Winner is Bill Graham.  Next weeks draw for March 22nd is going to be estimated $400. 

Make sure to either pay $2.00 each week or sign up a weekly 13. 26, or 52-week subscription

Healing Touch is coming back to the Baker Centre after 2 long years away.  First session is going to be Thursday March 31 starting at 7pm second session at 7:30. We can only have 5 people per session.  Please sign up in the main hall.  Cost is still going to be $2 per person per session.

Please remember that when you are entering the centre that you must wear a mask and sign in and sanitize and show proof of vaccination at the door (This proof part is only if you are eating lunch on Fridays).

Please note that parking is in short supply these days with the construction of the new building.  Please carpool, or park on 57th street when possible.